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kal - eh'   o'
00:00 / 12:00



kal - eh’   -o'  is the first iteration of an ongoing sound based research project coinciding with a physical awakening. The composition has been developed from an improvised vocal session inside an echo chamber, a call and response intuiting and eliciting deep rooted sounds from within the belly of beastly horrors. The resulting work is a cathartic instigation of dormant fear and release of energy in a movement towards the distillation of a sounding body.




Emilie Wright is an artist and composer from Melbourne, Australia currently living and working in Bergen, Norway. They work with a predominantly sound based practice that is experimental and exploratory. Their work reflects upon technology and ecology from a post-humanist Feminist perspective whilst working through notions of public, domestic and internal space in relation to gender, temporality and embodiment. Based upon the sonic encounter and notions of time and experience, their work takes the form of immersive sound installation, sound installation in public space and performance which are often articulated through text as a starting point.





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